Help Cope With Pain and Stress!

In massage therapy, a massage therapist rubs and kneads the soft tissues of your body. The soft tissues include muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. The massage therapist varies the amount of pressure and movement.

Massage is part of integrative medicine. Medical centers often offer it with standard treatment. It can be used for a wide range of medical conditions.

Studies of massage benefits have found massage can:

  • Help reduce stress.
  • Lessen pain and muscle tightness.
  • Increase relaxation.
  • Improve the work of the immune system.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Will the massage be painful?
It's not unusual to feel some soreness after a massage. This is due to a release of lactic acid in the muscles, but it doesn't last long. You may also have some discomfort during your massage. You are always able to ask for less pressure if you become uncomfortable during your session. 


2) Should I see a Massage Therapist if I'm not in pain?
Massage therapy is a great natural solution when you want relief from pain, but it can also be used as a preventive treatment too. Often, depending on what you are seeing your RMT for, they may use a different technique or massage modality.


3) What should I wear to a Massage Therapy appointment? 
During your massage you will be asked to disrobe to your level of comfort. For best results, we recommend skin-to-skin contact. Please communicate to the therapists if you are uncomfortable at any point. You are always in control.


4) What if I'm self-conscious about certain areas of my body?
If you're sensitive about a particular area, ask them to avoid it. You can also opt for a fully clothed massage. Whatever your concerns, know that your therapists are friendly, supportive and judgment-free.


5) What if I fall asleep?
It's normal to fall asleep during a massage. You might be feeling stressed and sleep-deprived, so falling asleep is normal once you're in a relaxed state. There is no judgment from us, we are just glad you are relaxed.